Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Combined Story of " The Father " and " Paper "

Characters: Tay Soon, Yee Lian, Mui Mui and sibling and Dr Soo

Climax: The part when the shares dropped drastically and the aftermath

Resolution: Tay Soon decided to turn over a new leaf after being out of jail

The Combined Story of " The Father " and " Paper "

Thunder growled in the distance like a bad-tempered bear as tumultuous, ragged clouds loomed ahead like a heavy curtain. The first drops beat out a hesitant rhythm on the window.
The agonising rattle of the metal bars reverberated in the prison as they shook under the impact of his fists. Anger rose like a mealstrom, threatening to overwhelm me. If I had not made that grave mistake, Mui Mui would not had died and my family would not need to live in a dilapidated rented one-room flat! It rained incessantly as scenes of the incident flooded my mind gradually... The thought of possessing that large and grand bungalow had already locked itself in Tay Soon's mind and soon influenced his wife, Yee Lian and his two children.
Then, on a particular day, Yee Lian spoke to Tay Soon," Do you know that shares recently had gone up? Dr Soo bought his shares for four dollars and now they are worth seven dollars? And you can guess how much money they have earned now."
As expected, Tay Soon invested in the shares immediately and soon earned a decent amount of money, enough to clear the down payment and continued to invest. On an especially unlucky day, Tay Soon looked at the stocks market and inexplicable fear jabbed him. It had actually dropped drastically! It cannot be...
Yee Lian told him immediately," Sell...Sell your shares now.”
However, Tay Soon ignored her advice. In the end, Tay Soon lost most of his savings! From that day onwards, Tay Soon went out to drink everyday using his only savings left. When he came back, he would always beat Yee Lian and his two children, especially Mui Mui as her whines irritated him the most and she would always get severely injured everynight. Till one night, it was also raining and Mui Mui was found lying unconscious on the floor and was later pronounced dead! Tay Soon was of course arrested for manslaughter and was charged a jail sentence of twenty years...
Suddenly, the deafening sound of thunder jolted him out of his trance. He was going to be out of jail in just a month's time and had decided to turn over a new leaf and not let his family suffer.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dangers of blogging and how to prevent

Though there are advantages of blogging such as having an opportunity to express ourselves, there are also dangers of blogging. These dangers include publishing information about ourselves like name, age, address, telephone number or any other personal information. This is because invasion of personal information may lead to undesirable consequences like harassment of strangers.

Also, while blogging provides an opportunity for you to express yourself, it also opens a window into your personal life. Details of your personal life should not be shared to public as blogging has become a common place and it has risks that should not be ignored.

Hence, there are some ways which can prevent these dangers. Firstly, you should not post in advance about locations you will be or about areas that you live in or near. Next, refrain from posting a picture. Pictures can invite unwanted trouble. Lastly, do not engage in dialogues as you may accidentally leak out personal information.

To conclude, blogging can be a great outlet and channel only if good blogging practices are carried out.