Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dangers of blogging and how to prevent

Though there are advantages of blogging such as having an opportunity to express ourselves, there are also dangers of blogging. These dangers include publishing information about ourselves like name, age, address, telephone number or any other personal information. This is because invasion of personal information may lead to undesirable consequences like harassment of strangers.

Also, while blogging provides an opportunity for you to express yourself, it also opens a window into your personal life. Details of your personal life should not be shared to public as blogging has become a common place and it has risks that should not be ignored.

Hence, there are some ways which can prevent these dangers. Firstly, you should not post in advance about locations you will be or about areas that you live in or near. Next, refrain from posting a picture. Pictures can invite unwanted trouble. Lastly, do not engage in dialogues as you may accidentally leak out personal information.

To conclude, blogging can be a great outlet and channel only if good blogging practices are carried out.