Thursday, March 25, 2010

Resource Room Answers (Topic: Therm)

  1. Getting wet on a cool day and staying outside can lead to hypothermia.
  2. You can get a thermometer that will measure temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
  3. I have a thermos full of coffee, piping hot.
  4. A thermal blanket is designed to add a warm layer for cold weather, but not be too warm in warm weather.
  5. The isothermal showed that it was 32 degrees in Boston, Massachusetts and 30 miles north of Cleveland, Ohio.
  6. A thermonuclear bomb does more damage than other kinds of bombs, but is very expensive to make.
  7. Spending too much time in the hot sun can cause hyperthermia , which can be fatal.
  8. That hypothermia reaction got very, very cold.
  9. Setting off a thermonuclear bomb is an example of an exothermic reaction because it sends out a lot of heat.
  10. In Greenland, geothermal energy from hot springs is used to heat houses.
  11. A tree farmer might want to study isothermalogy.
  12. That's an interesting rock! A geologist could tell you what it is.
  13. The thermostat in my car broke, so it overheated.

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