Thursday, August 19, 2010

Main Points for A and B questions

A) The writer was feeling sad. For the evidence, we are going to include the line “Counting bells knelling classes to a close” as this shows that he feels time is going pass really slowly and this was due to the fact he is really sad when he heard the news of his sibling dying. The writer also felt embarrassed and this can be proven from the lines in stanza 3, evident when the strangers told him they were “sorry for the trouble” and “whispering informed strangers that he was the eldest” made him feel embarrassed. He also feel regretful as the poem states that “I saw him for the first time in six weeks” this line shows that the writer had last seen his brother 6 weeks ago . However, his brother is now dead. Thus, he is regretful as he feel that he should spend more time with his brother and cherish him more while he is alive.

B) The speaker uses several literal devices. The first one he used is onomatopoeia. This can be supported from stanza 3 of the poem. In the line “the baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram”, “cooed and laughed” is the onomatopoeia. This sets a very awkward mood as it is ironic how the baby is ignorant about the surroundings and still being so happy when everyone else is so sad. The other literal device used is personification. The line “And candles soothed the bedside” showed the use of a personification. This helped to lessen the heavy and depressed mood in the poem, as the candles seem to bo comforting the speaker and the people present.

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