Friday, February 12, 2010

Movie review of "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief""

The gist of the movie "Percy Jack and the Lightning Thief" is about Percy Jackson, son of Posseidon, god of the sea, being accused by Zeus, Posseidon's brother, of stealing the lightning bolt which is the universe's most powerful weapon, and if the lightning bolt was not returned in 14 days, there would be war between them. In school, Percy Jackson had trouble reading english words but when the class went on a trip to a museum, he could read those greek words. And it was at the museum where his life changed totally. His teacher, a bat-like monster, demanded the lightning bolt from him but fortunately, Mr Brunner who was his Latin teacher was actually Chiron,a Centaur, half-horse and half-man and rescued him with the monster escaping. After that incident, Percy Jackson knew that he was half blood and also received a pen which was actually a sword from Mr Brunner. Percy was then brought to Camp-Half Blood which was a training ground for all half-bloods and realises that his best friend, Grover, was a satyr and his protector. Percy's mother then got captured in a Minotaur attack. Hades, one of the three gods, threatened to kill Percy's mother if he did not give the lightning bolt to him. In the end, Percy together with Grover and Annabeth journeyed to the underworld with the three pearls and along the way meeting monsters. When they reached there, they found out that Percy was framed by Luke as the shield that he gave them contained the lightning bolt. Fortunately, Hades' wife shot him with the lightning bolt and he fainted. As there were only three pearls, Grover decided and let the others leave without him. After that, Percy fought with Luke and after defeating him, Percy went to Zeus. In the end, he returned the lightning bolt and told the truth.

I like this movie because of the different types of monsters and the way Percy and his two friends battled them. It was very thrilling to see them how they handled the monsters and I was practically sitting at the edge of my seat while watching the movie! Though that, I felt that there could have been a struggle between Hades and Percy to make the movie more interesting. Also, the movie was a much shorter version of the storybook. Some parts such as Percy fighting the Ares, the God of War was not included in the movie. Characters such as Nancy Boofit were not included too. Nevertheless, I feel that this is a movie not to be missed!

100-word essay on why I like the book better than the movie
I like the book more than the movie mainly because the book has more fights and struggles between Percy Jackson and the different creatures he faced which makes the booking more thrilling and interesting, unlike the movie which includes only two fights-fight between Medusa and the Hydra. One thing I like about the book is that the description of each creature is very vivid and I could imagine the image of the creature. Also, in the movie, I feel that the part when Percy Jackson went to Hades for negotiation was to boring and not at all engaging except when he almost released the hellhounds. There was almost no struggle between Percy Jackson and Hades. In the book, the best part was during the fight between Percy Jackson and Ares, the god of war. I thought initially that Percy Jackson would not win Ares but would not die as Percy Jackson was not very experienced in fighting, but instead, Percy Jackson won after great struggle.

50-word passage taken from the Book
He slashed againand I was forced to jumponto dry land. I tried to sidestep, to get back to the water, but Ares seemed to know what I wanted. He outmanoeuvred me, pressing so hard I had to put all my concentration on not getting sliced into pieces. I kept backing away from the surf. I couldn't find any opening to attack. His sword had a reach a metre longer than Anaklusmos.

Ten differences between the Book and the Movie of "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief"

1) Characters such as Clarrise and Nancy Bobofit were in the book but not in the movie.
2) There was a fight between Ares and Percy Jackson in the book but not in the movie.
3) The book talked about Thalia, the daughter of Zeus, being the pine tree but the movie did not.
4) The hydra was included in the movie but not in the book.
5) The Chimera was included in the book but not in the movie.
6) Percy Jackson and Annabeth entered the trap at the water park in the book but not in the movie.
7) Both the lightning bolt and the helmet of darkness was stolen in the book but only the lightning bolt was stolen in the movie.
8) It was Ares who stole the lightning bolt in the book while it was Luke who stole it in the movie.
9) Percy Jackson was attacked by the poisonous scorpion in the book but it was not included in the movie.
10) Percy Jackson was given the three pearls directly in the book while he had to go through many difficulties before receiving the three pearls in the movie.

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